As a musician, you want to share your content with the world, and if you want to share your music live, you need a good venue to perform at. Jason Evenson, manager of cultural affairs at the Union Colony Civic Center in Greeley, CO, provided some dos and don'ts for inquiring musicians or acts looking to book a venue.
Venues are always looking for a good blend of entertainment, and the UCCC in particular enjoys showcasing home-grown talent, giving local musicians an opportunity to share their gift. But in order to land a performance at a venue, you need to have a solid media kit. It’s essential in the advertising of your talent, and it promotes genuity—making it a worthwhile investment. High-quality photos and sample videos of performance are some things to include.
The key to snagging a venue: honesty. Don’t lie about who you are, what your talent is, the length of your group’s existence, or the clout or fame you have amongst fans. The truth will always come out.
Including honesty, respect for the venue’s time—and its employees’ time—is another huge draw for venue attention. Treat each conversation with professionalism and schedule appointments. Don’t just show up unannounced. Have your questions, price range, and negotiating points prepared beforehand.
When negotiating price with a venue, keep in mind they incur all the risk when they pay a flat rate. If you’re new to the music or performing arts world, you need to be willing to negotiate, as you will be a riskier booking than more established talents. Your price should reflect that risk.
Want to know more dos and don’ts of booking venues? Check out the full video with Jason Evenson below!